(HISTORICAL) Building Teacher Leadership Capacity to Support Teachers (NJ)

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    Funder Type

    State Government

    IT Classification

    B - Readily funds technology as part of an award


    New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE)


    The multi-year grant Building Teacher Leadership Capacity to Support Beginning Teachers (BTLC) seeks to leverage the power of school district-university partnerships to improve support for beginning teachers in New Jersey.
    Year Three of the BTLC grant maintains the focus on building a district's capacity to enhance beginning teachers' practice to improve student outcomes, in large part by using teacher leaders as thought partners, professional learning leaders, and support-providers. As explained in detail in the Notice of Grant Opportunity (NGO) for Year Two,  the rationale for this focus derives from the proven value of intentional, high quality beginning teacher support systems to jump-start effective instruction and enhance teachers' chances for long-term success, to improve teachers' job satisfaction, and to reduce teacher turnover. By building capacity for teacher leadership, school districts can nurture and support high performers while leveraging their talents to improve instruction and build a collaborative professional culture. 

    In Year Three, the work of the school district-university partners will shift towards sustainability and outreach. The teacher leadership and beginning teacher support capacities created thus far will be leveraged to develop district-level and school level-embedded practices for ongoing impact in partner districts and more broadly as models to inform the improvement of beginning teacher support systems across the state.
    Specifically, BTLC Year Three will provide the opportunity for institutions of higher education (IHE) grantees to continue to work with partner districts in implementing an effective system of induction and mentoring. In Year Three the partnerships will develop a portfolio of resources to organize a system of support, primarily for their pre-service and novice in-service teachers, but also for use with teachers at all experience levels who may need additional support. Teacher leaders will continue to play key roles in designing, planning, facilitating, implementing, and evaluating the elements of this system. BTLC Year Three will also prioritize opportunities for broader impacts by supporting the partnerships to organize and host regional symposia in order to disseminate the products of their work through this grant to other district- and university-based education professionals across the state.

    History of Funding

    None is available.

    Additional Information

    This program continues to have a nonpublic school participation requirement. Nonpublic schools that were partners in Year Two must be invited to continue their participation in Year Three. However, nonpublic schools that declined to participate in Year Two do not have to be solicited again for Year Three.

    IHE lead agencies must also maintain their current high-need LEA partnerships and the involvement of their division/unit that prepares teachers and principals as well as a school of arts and sciences.

    Awards through this NGO will allow continuation of project work begun in Year One and carried through Year Two. As noted in the original NGO, these projects were considered to be pilot projects focused on preparing teacher leaders to deliver high quality mentoring support for pre-service and novice in-service teachers. In Year Three, the intent is to continue the development of teacher leader capacity for this purpose with the added emphasis of:
    • Embedding the work within the partner districts to sustain improved beginning teacher supports;
    • Documenting project designs and products so that they can potentially be adapted by other districts and IHEs to improve supports for beginning teachers; and
    • Broadening the impacts of the grant work beyond the current partnerships through planned dissemination activities.


    Cathy Pine

    Cathy Pine
    Office of Professional Development
    P.O. Box 500
    Trenton, NJ 08625-0500

  • Eligibility Details

    Grants awarded through this NGO are available through a continuation grant process open only to those following IHE lead agencies that received awards in Years One and Two: Kean University, Montclair University, Rider University, Rowan University, Stockton University, and The College of New Jersey.

    Deadline Details

    Applications must be electronically submitted by August 15, 2017.  This is the finial year of this competition, a new cohort of applicants may be accepted in 2018 pending funding availability.

    Award Details

    Approximately $680,000 is anticipated to be available in total funding. Six awards are expected to be made for continuation of Years 1 & 2 projects. Maximum awards are $113,000. Year 3 is a ten month grant period and will start October 1, 2017, and end May 31, 2018.

    Related Webcasts Use the links below to view the recorded playback of these webcasts

    • Funding Classroom Technology to Empower Students and Teachers - Sponsored by Panasonic - Playback Available
    • Maximizing Technology-friendly Workforce Development Grants - Sponsored by Panasonic - Playback Available
    • Funding Data-driven Workforce Development Projects - Sponsored by NetApp - Playback Available


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